Brian Desind of Privada Cigar Club and Reinier Lorenzo of HVC Cigars have once again joined forces. Their previous collaborations have resulted in the creation of legendary cigars. This time, they've introduced a duality of flavor experiences with two distinct cigars: one for members of the esteemed Privada Cigar Club, featuring a Nicaraguan habano wrapper, and one specially crafted for the Limited Cigar Association, featuring a Mexican maduro wrapper. Both blends feature the same Nicaraguan fillers and binder grown by Aganorsa Leaf, allowing connoisseurs who collect both blends to experience how different wrappers transform the smoking experience.
These 6.5x52 toros were rolled at HVC’s new factory Fábrica de Tabacos HVC in Estelí. We are proud to offer this full-bodied, complex, dynamic maduro from HVC Cigars exclusively to LCA retailers this April.
Release Date: Friday, April 5
These 6.5x52 toros were rolled at HVC’s new factory Fábrica de Tabacos HVC in Estelí. We are proud to offer this full-bodied, complex, dynamic maduro from HVC Cigars exclusively to LCA retailers this April.
Release Date: Friday, April 5